Purposeful Goals


Hi, I'm Ally!

I'm an executive coach, speaker, trainer, and mindset shifter.
And I'm committed to making a positive impact in this world.


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I’ve found that there are two types of people in this world: The sunrise seeker and serial snoozer. Years ago, when I started listening to online business building and entrepreneurial podcasts, I found that one was almost SHAMED for being a late riser. And as much as I disagreed with that approach, I also acknowledged that it was my morning routine that got me through decades of a difficult college curriculum, parenting four boys, consistently overscheduling myself, and keeping my OWN personal sanity. So I’m sure it doesn’t surprise you when I admit that I’m a proud member of the sunrise seeker society.  

morning routines as my sanity saver

My “earliest” memory (yes pun intended) of a pre-sunrise routine is from my late college years. While I lived in a packed sorority house never lacking laughter and great company, I would peel myself out of bed and arrive at the library between 5 and 6. There was something about being the only one, besides staff, in what felt like this cavernous, quiet space. I could plan my day. I could get a head start on work. I felt more in control of all the academic demands racing around in my brain. AND, I could do this all before the world woke up.   One thing that became VERY evident when I entered parenthood was just how much I disliked being abruptly woken by a child. Which led me to doing two things right out of the gate: get them on a predictable sleep schedule. And make sure that I am up and ready for the crazy when they wake. I’ve had my coffee, and a little time to myself. It made me a better mom, wife…human.  

Fast forward 25 years and that pre-sunrise routine looks a bit different and is more valuable than ever. My alarm goes off at 5, usually on the weekends too. I head downstairs to drink my water with a vitamin C fizzy. (I don’t love water and know how beneficial it is to the brain to rehydrate immediately upon waking). Followed by my coffee and a 15-30-minute meditation. Faithfully. Which leads into my “intention setting” for the day and filling out my planner with both yesterday’s biggest “win” and today’s top three goals. Then, as my husband arrives home from his workout, he passes the baton to me and I’m off to the gym for a quick, 45 min. weight training routine while he sends the first wave of kids out the door.  

The many benefits of a morning routine

No matter what team you’re on, the fact is, there are MANY benefits to a solid morning routine… no matter what time that routine may begin at. Many of us turn immediately, upon waking, to our phones. Scrolling news and social media first thing may put us on edge for the remainder of the day and allow OTHERS to dictate where our attention goes. Establishing a morning routine and focusing on YOU offers numerous proven benefits that contribute to overall well-being and productivity. Here are just a few of the key benefits supported by research:  

IMPROVED CLARITY AND FOCUS: Engaging in consistent morning rituals, such as meditation or journaling, can help quiet the mind and reduce stress. Studies have shown that mindfulness practices can bring improved attention, concentration, and decision-making abilities into your day.  

PURPOSEFUL GOAL ACHIEVEMENT: Starting the day with a structured practice helps set priorities, establish goals, and create a sense of accomplishment. All while taking advantage of a time of day where your energy level is at its greatest.  

REDUCED STRESS AND ANXIETY: A well-designed morning routine can serve as a buffer against stress and anxiety by providing a sense of stability and predictability. Activities such as exercise, deep breathing, and a gratitude practice can help regulate emotions, promote relaxation, and build resilience to stressors.  

GREATER SENSE OF EMPOWERMENT: Following a morning routine empowers individuals to take charge of their lives and make intentional choices that align with their values and goals. This cultivates a sense of self-efficacy in a world that often feels chaotic.  

IMPROVED PHYSICAL HEALTH: When we’re not rushing, we’re more likely to have a nutritious breakfast, hydrate, and exercise. Regular physical activity strengthens the immune system, supports cardiovascular health, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.  

Whether you’re a sunrise seeker or serial snoozer, I don’t think I need to say anymore to convince you that a well-designed morning routine offers a multitude of proven benefits across every domain of well-being. By prioritizing self-care, goal setting, and productivity early in the day, you can lay the foundation for success and fulfillment in all areas of life and work.  

Do you currently have a morning routine? Did this information motivate you to spend your mornings differently? I’d love to hear what you do, or what changes you plan on making to make the most of your precious days.              

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  1. Lynn says:

    Loved this! I just finished Mel Robbins podcast on setting goals and true to form I wrote them down and haven’t touched them since, ugh. This was a perfect reminder to go back an actually put them into practice, which includes going back to a morning meditation.
    Thank you!

  2. Ally Meyers says:

    Thanks for the note Lynn! I am such a fan of a solid morning visualization meditation to help keep you focused on WHY you’ve set those goals in the first place. And thank you always for reading!

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Hi, I'm Ally.
Executive coach,
speaker, trainer and mindset shifter

Observing the declining state of mental health in a world of non-stop news, work-life overlap and distractions galore, Ally became committed to learning and sharing simple strategies, based on the research in the field of Positive Psychology, to help individuals and teams thrive.

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Ally Meyers is a certified executive coach  and speaker with workshops that translate the science of happiness into strategies to manage stress and increase resilience, productivity and well-being.