Work/Life Resilience


Hi, I'm Ally!

I'm a Corporate Well-Being Trainer & Speaker who teaches managers and teams science-backed strategies to optimize well-being & engagement


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Ugh, what a buzzword. Being thrown around, left and right, often incorrectly or in an accusatory, in-your-face kind of way. This past month, I’ve developed a newfound appreciation for the word. For what it stands for. And how enabling my neurodivergent son was just a small representation of the skills and confidence that can be developed, both personally and organizationally, when an individual feels empowered.

I want to start by saying that I am my son’s BIGGEST advocate. But even I, the perpetual supporter, can be blinded by bias. I assumed, after years and years of helping my child through schoolwork, daily activities, and medication administration… those life skill that most neurotypical kids were doing… that he needed my help. I simply didn’t want him to fail. So I was always there, by his side, ready to remind him of the next thing we needed to do. I often assumed he couldn’t do it on his own. I was terribly wrong.

As we wrapped up Will’s school year, his parent liaison suggested that he take a part-time job this summer. “A neurodivergent 15-year-old being reliable enough to work part-time?” I asked him. To which he reminded me that I should not assume that William is any less able than his neurotypical peers to take on this responsibility. I hesitantly agreed.

We’re only two weeks in, but already the experience has been life-altering, for both Will and I. He has learned what it’s like to fill out a job application. To be interviewed. To keep himself on schedule to avoid the consequence of tardiness. To take his medication, on his own, and set his own phone reminders. It has given him the opportunity to make his own money, and to prioritize what’s most important to him. It has strengthened his social skills, while he makes small talk and looks coworkers and shoppers in the eye. And most very importantly… it has given him the confidence that he is TOTALLY capable of learning new, hard things. A skill that is ESSENTIAL to our mental well-being.

Will’s experience is just one tiny representation of what empowering an individual does for their confidence and well-being. By giving people the opportunity to develop their confidence, build skills, gain new knowledge and make their own choices, you can directly improve the resilience and sense of fulfillment of individuals, teams and communities.


In times of uncertainty, it’s easy to slip into micromanager mode, as I did with Will. By enabling your team to take control and make their own decisions, you’re lightening YOUR load while giving them the opportunity to be effective contributors. Here are just a few things that you can do to empower your team or workforce:

DELEGATE. Assign tasks that are needed for success and trust their abilities. Give them an opportunity to matter.

GIVE CLEAR EXPECTATIONS. Set them up for success by making it crystal clear what is expected of them.

ENCOURAGE DECISION-MAKING. Support them in taking calculated risks, and consider their input when creating working from home policies and other procedures.

RECOGNIZE THEM. Acknowledge and celebrate (publicly) their accomplishments.

PROVIDE RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT. Ask them what THEY feel they need to succeed in their job. And do what you can to provide them continuous growth.

I’ve come to the realization that empowerment is SO much more than a buzzword. Through my son’s journey into the working world, I have witnessed firsthand the impact that it can have on an individual’s capabilities and self-esteem. Whether in our personal lives or in organizational settings, empowerment is key to developing resilient, competent, and fulfilled individuals. By giving up some of the power, encouraging decision-making, and providing necessary resources and recognition, we can ALL help cultivate children, organizations, and communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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Hi, I'm Ally.
Executive coach,
speaker, trainer and mindset shifter

Observing the declining state of mental health in a world of non-stop news, work-life overlap and distractions galore, Ally became committed to learning and sharing simple strategies, based on the research in the field of Positive Psychology, to help individuals and teams thrive.

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Ally Meyers is a Corporate Well-Being Trainer & Speaker who teaches managers and teams science-backed strategies to optimize well-being & engagement.