Work/Life Resilience


Trip Planning
Hi, I'm Ally!

I'm a Corporate Well-Being Trainer & Speaker who teaches managers and teams science-backed strategies to optimize well-being & engagement


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Here in upstate NY, we’re knee deep in the toughest month… February. With the highs of the holiday season being long gone, the fact is… WE’RE DONE. Done with the below freezing temps. Done with the dirty snow piles and the many layers. And dreaming of warmer, sunnier days. Well it turns out, the mere act of dreaming of those sunnier days can actually help get us through the doldrums of winter.


Research has shown that the anticipation of positive events, like vacations or exciting experiences, can have a profound impact on our well-being. The studies suggest that the anticipation triggers the release of dopamine, our brain’s reward and pleasure chemical. That event could be something exciting like a vacation, a social gathering, or a favorite meal.  Or, if you’re living in a cold climate like me,  anticipating warmer seasons or a vacation can be just what it takes to push through those tough days of winter.

And get this… one notable study showed that participants reported higher levels of happiness and excitement leading up to the events than during or after the actual event! In other words, the journey of looking forward to something can be just as fulfilling, if not more so, than the destination itself.


What will you dream about?  Sipping cocktails by a pool? Dipping your toes in the ocean. How about that hiking trail that’s always bathed in sunlight? Yep, that’s mine. Later this year, my husband and I are returning to a very favorite place of ours in California. We haven’t been in years. But the memories of past years have me dreaming of the oversized hammocks, the delicious omelet Provençal, and our favorite hike just outside the door of the hotel. And although the thought of it always brings a smile to my face, it’s in the dreariness of these mid-winter days that they REALLY come in handy. Helping me to push through the cold in excitement of what’s to come.

What are you looking forward to? Nothing on the calendar? Well, then get planning! Google a warm-weather destination. Review new restaurant dinner menus. Flip through photo galleries of potential or past resorts you’ve visited. Curate a fun road-trip playlist. The world’s your oyster!

So get out there and put the science to work for you! And as the snow continues to  fall, let the anticipation of all of your future adventures remind you that brighter days are just around the corner.

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Hi, I'm Ally.
Executive coach,
speaker, trainer and mindset shifter

Observing the declining state of mental health in a world of non-stop news, work-life overlap and distractions galore, Ally became committed to learning and sharing simple strategies, based on the research in the field of Positive Psychology, to help individuals and teams thrive.

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Ally Meyers is a Corporate Well-Being Trainer & Speaker who teaches managers and teams science-backed strategies to optimize well-being & engagement.