Hi, I'm Ally!

I'm a Corporate Well-Being Trainer & Speaker who teaches managers and teams science-backed strategies to optimize well-being & engagement


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Becoming more present in today's distracted world.

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Strategies that boost resilience through purposeful goal setting.

Simple mindset shifts to prepare for life's unknowns.

Tips for managing stress and avoiding burnout.

In December of 2019, I read one of the most impactful books of my life, Marie Forleo’s “Everything is Figureoutable”. It opened my eyes to the fact that we can do ANYTHING we put our mind to. This was quite an awakening to me. You mean, you can you tube just about anything and putter your way through fixing or learning, well… just about anything? The fact that I had just registered my last of four into a full time preschool program, combined with this realization, I was feeling ready to take on the world. And then covid happened.

As I began learning more about video creation, social media and the world of blogging, I felt strongly that I wanted whatever entrepreneurial venture I pursued to benefit the then struggling small business community. I started The Scoop Saratoga, with the financial support of several incredibly generous businesses in our area. Each week, I featured a video or article highlighting one of our local businesses or charitable organizations. I loved the fact that it was my voice, showcased through a platform that represented my personal brand and aesthetic. It continues to bring me so much joy to hear people comment that they had never heard of a business until they saw my feature. Over the last several years, I have partnered with incredibly supportive businesses, met countless amazing individuals, and learned more than I learned in the first 40 years of my life. I’m not exaggerating here.

I love sharing stories about life, business, and charitable causes that make our beautiful city of Saratoga Springs so unique.  And will continue to do so. But throughout the last several busy years, I felt a growing pull to use my skills in a way that can benefit people not only in Saratoga Springs, but beyond . To make a different kind of difference. To help the world become a slightly happier place. At a time when I feel we need it most.

I have been nerding out about Positive Psychology since I read Martin Seligman’s (a founder of Positive Psychology and Albany Academy grad) book Flourish about ten years ago. Learning about the simple, yet evidence-based practices that were helping people to emotionally “flourish” thrilled this analytical mind of mine.  So, after a decade of casually reading the research in my free time, I committed much of the last year to obtaining a certificate from CaPP Institute (Coaching and Positive Psychology Institute).

I’m a firm believer that each phase of life brings valuable experiences that help best move us forward. They teach us of what we love to do, and what we don’t. And sometimes, they give us ideas of how to best utilize our unique gifts. In many ways, the intentional living that became my survival tool during a pandemic has become the first step towards a new path of service to the world.

I used to be paralyzed if I wasn’t sure where something was heading. If I wasn’t clear about how EXACTLY it would play out. If I couldn’t envision how to word the “title” line on my business card. Well I’m over that. What I do know for sure is that I was meant to be a conduit of sorts. In this next season, I am excited to combine my love of content creation and speaking to teach people the tiny, science-based habits that have a huge impact on resilience, productivity, and overall wellbeing.

I believe whole-heartedly that our mindset is the not-so-secret solution to thriving in the modern world. The best part? We have everything we need right inside us. I look forward to translating the science of happiness into actionable tools to help people live their fullest lives. I invite you to follow my new email newsletter sharing valuable tips and free resources to help you stop sleepwalking through life, live intentionally, and finally see what you’re capable of.

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Hi, I'm Ally.
Executive coach,
speaker, trainer and mindset shifter

Observing the declining state of mental health in a world of non-stop news, work-life overlap and distractions galore, Ally became committed to learning and sharing simple strategies, based on the research in the field of Positive Psychology, to help individuals and teams thrive.

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Ally Meyers is a Corporate Well-Being Trainer & Speaker who teaches managers and teams science-backed strategies to optimize well-being & engagement.