Flash back two years ago. We’re knee deep in the pandemic. I come to the realization that two people, from two VERY different parts of my life and geographic locations, appear to know each other on social media. I ask “How on earth do you two know each other?” They excitedly answer, “We both do Britt Deitz livestreamed classes!” To which I think “Who is Britt Deitz and how did she manage to connect these two women?” So I had to start following her too.
Two years later, it’s rare that I come across someone who doesn’t know this powerhouse. After sitting down and getting to know Britt, it was obvious why her fitness classes and brand took off so quickly. Part of it is her sweet smile and approachable manner. And the other part, her big dreams and drive. Here’s what I was dying to ask Britt, who continues to get bodies moving WELL after lock-down.

I’ve always been entrepreneurial-minded and hard working. I became a fitness instructor in 2012 and instantly fell in love with that role. I’m a teacher by profession, and spent years coaching high school soccer. Being a fitness professional has allowed me to combine the best of my abilities and aptitudes, which has proven to be an extremely rewarding experience for more than a decade now.
My virtual fitness business began at the start of the pandemic. I was depressed and in a MOOD because I missed my spin classes and fitness community. In the beginning, I didn’t even own a home bike. After borrowing a spin bike from a friend, I started choreographing my own rides and recording silly videos to share on Instagram.

I almost instantly had people reaching out to say that I should livestream classes for others to follow while we were all trapped in our houses. My husband surprised me by turning our living room into a (subpar) home spin studio and live-streaming from our iPhones. The response from followers was unbelievable.
I taught a variety of classes everyday thereafter. I never took rest days those first few months because I felt like people were relying on me to help them through such a difficult time. Quite honestly, teaching those classes helped ME maintain a positive mental and emotional state too! I taught free classes, every single day, for about four months before turning the classes into a paid business model.

Find an exercise routine that you actually enjoy! I think that fitness should be FUN and something that you’re excited to step into each day. Find the routine that is compatible with and conducive to your lifestyle (time, money, etc.), and not the other way around. The convenience and flexibility of my home workouts certainly helps my clients to stay motivated and consistent. Find a community that uplifts, supports, and celebrates your victories.
AND… remember HOW GOOD you’re going to feel after your workout. Nobody ever finished a workout and said, “Gee, I really regret doing that.”

ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am a BIG fan of a balanced lifestyle and I believe that everything is okay in moderation. I don’t believe in restricted diets as I think they actually do more harm than good (physically, mentally, and emotionally). I make a concerted daily effort to include movement, mindful eating, hydration, grounded decision making, awareness of breath, and gratitude in my lifestyle. There are no such things as “good foods and bad foods. All food is food, it’s just that some food is more nutritious than others.

I would have to say it’s continuously working to reach new audiences of prospective clients. Social media is OBVIOUSLY amazing for marketing any business to your existing audience, and is the primary reason why my business took off two years ago. BUT… It can be challenging to reach new audiences. I am continuously seeking opportunities to collaborate with other businesses, brands, and influencers. I am a firm believer that we are stronger together. Community over competition. It is a big world out there, and there is room for all of us to be successful!
Another challenge is lack of time. I am sure that all business owners feel that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. From scheduling, to planning classes, meetings, content creation, responding to emails, researching, marketing, and so on (she failed to throw in full-time educating), it can be tough to pull myself away from the screen. The work never stops, and I have to try extra hard to find balance, and recognize when it’s time to unplug or step away.

I would say to just go for it and DO IT, as long as you are truly passionate about your dream. You must be willing to work hard – I mean long hours, early mornings, and late nights. It’s impossible to please everybody. Just keep going, experiment with different ideas and pay attention to what’s working and what isn’t. When you find something that seems to work, double down on it. Pay attention to the process, look for new ways to keep moving forward, and all of the effort and hard work will eventually pay off.
Also, try to work smarter, not harder. Learn how to do everything yourself first so that you know the process. Then outsource the things you can when you are able to financially. Not only will this save you precious time, but you will be able to teach and groom the people you hire to do things exactly the way you would yourself.

To start, come get to know me on Instagram! I currently offer a free two week trial to my subscription so that anyone can try it. Members have access to daily livestream classes and my on demand video library to complete the workouts when it’s most convenient for their schedules.
I host in-person workout events at the Saratoga Winery and Tap Room, Bare Blends, and in collaboration with the Hot Yoga Spot. I also offer 1:1 private coaching, personal training, accountability coaching, and I also offer private workout events such as bachelorette parties and corporate workouts.
It was such a pleasure FINALLY getting to know Britt! And I’m confident that this won’t be the last time you read about her, or the success of Britt Deitz Fitness.
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