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Obviously, none of us saw it coming. In January of 2020, we had just made the decision to change our youngest, who had been attending Saratoga Independent School only part time, to FULL-TIME. Oh, I had big plans. Plans to be done with this decade as a stay-at-home-mom. Plans to get BACK to work full-time. Plans to re-start my life as an entrepreneur. I was feeling AWESOME. But I had no idea what the arrival of covid-19 was about to do. The pandemic changed me in so many ways, and NOT all for the better.


I was in great shape, both physically and mentally. I felt good, and ready for this next chapter. I had spent several weeks putting pen to paper, completing many “Insight to Action” activities from Marie Forleo’s “Everything is Figureoutable“. I was SO excited for all four boys, FINALLY, to be in school. Until that one day. The day when they were sent home with the folder containing next week’s work… JUST IN CASE this covid thing got out of control. And you know how that story ended. (Oh wait, it never ended.)

Every mom I know tried their VERY HARDEST to keep those balls in the air. And there’s not ONE who didn’t drop, at least one, shortly after. The overwhelm and VERY memorable months of home schooling were just the beginning. What I have found equally as difficult (but in an entirely different way) has been the “slow burn.” The following months of unpredictability and school absences. The socialization paranoia. The holiday seasons void of celebrations and chorus concerts. The combination of all this has taken a toll on me, changing me in many ways. Some good, and others, well… not so good.

The first of our “sanity seeking” field trips during quarantine



Another mindless meal at the laptop

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to give ourselves a little grace after the unprecedented challenges we have faced these last two years. But I encourage you to look beyond those few bad habits you may have picked up, and focus on the clarity the pandemic has given us. And how it has helped us determine what is TRULY important to us, and how we choose to spend our limited time from this point forward.