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Feel like you have so much “stuff” in your house, and no where to store it? You’re NOT alone. In today’s SCOOP, I get some great organizational tips from Jenna Burger of Jenna Burger Design of Saratoga Springs, NY. Jenna shares her tried and true ways to get your stuff where it belongs and keep your home clutter-free.

USE PRETTY BASKETS, BOXES AND BINS. Organization can be functional AND pretty. Use baskets and boxes for toy storage and pet items, and bins for office supplies, pantry and household items.

DISPLAY ITEMS BY COLOR. Laying out items using the rainbow not only keeps your items organized, but it helps save time on sifting and sorting through.

CREATE A FAMILY COMMAND CENTER. It helps keep everyone on task and knowing where they’re going when. Your command center should be in a central location by the most used door. Key items should be a calendar, mail holder, cork board, wall files for papers and hooks.

GROUP TOGETHER SIMILAR ITEMS. Grouping like items helps to identify their location. When an item has a designated spot, you’ll always know where to go to grab it.

LABEL YOUR BASKETS, BINS AND BOXES. Once you’re done organizing don’t forget to label! Document your finished bookshelf or toy basket with a picture so you know how items should return after use.

Having a spot for everything truly makes life easier.

Jenna Burger is a residential and commercial interior designer, offering in-person services in the Saratoga Springs / Albany area of Upstate New York, as well as E-Design services anywhere in the United States. To find out more about Jenna Burger Design and the services they offer, click here.